2012025: Mini Poppins Bag


Mini Poppins Bag Pattern

Ourside fabric for bag body and sashing - 1/2 yard

Lining fabric for lining, shingles, and pockets - 3/4 yard

Coordinating fabric for handles, bottoms, binding, bows and tabs - 1/2 yard

Interfacing Bosal’s OM_RFORM PLUS 18” x 58” this is a double sided fusible foam interfacing

For bottom - pre-cut Craf-Tex plus mini Poppins bag bottoms by Bosal

Stays - 2 stays which are included in pattern

Zipper - 30” handbag zipper with double slides

Matching thread, bobbin wound, 12 weight thread for hand sewing bottom on

Walking foot

1/4” foot

90/14 microtex machine needle

scissors, rotary cutter, ruler, wonder clips, chalk or frixion pen, seam ripper, hand sewing needle, hemostat if you have one.
Sewing machine in good working condition, foot petal, power cord and user manual side note Featherweights don’t work so good on these thickness


Have all fabrics cut and Bosal precut, as stated on page 1 of the pattern

Pre quilt the main sections as follows: fuse the Bosal to the wrong side of the two outside main fabrics.

Fuse another Bosal piece to the two lining pieces.

You will make a “sandwich” with the lining fused with Bosal facing down on ironing board.  Then put the fused Bosal piece with main fabric on top of the longing/ Bosal.

You will fuse the lining Bosal Bosal main fabric together. . . Use steam

Quilt this sandwich as desired.  I quilted approximately 3/4” between the horizontal lines.

This bag will start your love for making bags.  You will learn how to use Bosal, put in a zipper, install pockets and put on handles.

Cost: $ 85.00
includes lunch
Skill Level:intermediate
Instructor Bio:Shelley Mattfeld