This Week at Quilter's Cottage June 8, 2015
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920 FM 359 Richmond, TX 77406 281-633-9331
Shop Hours: Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm OPEN Sundays noon - 4pm
Sundays - Sew-In Day noon - 4pm FREE Wednesdays - Sew-In Day 10am - 5pm FREE Come join us and bring your friends for some open sew time. Great time to work on those Strip Club quilts! You spoke and we listened - Open Sew days are now FREE
This Week at the Shop! June 8, 2015
 Thursday, June 11 - Notions Wall 20% off Friday, June 12 - All Sale Room Fabric $5 a yard (1 yard min cut) Saturday, June 13 25% off Fabric* (1 yard min cut) *Excludes Batiks that are on special all day every day and New Arrivals and Sale Room
Click on Pics and it will take you directly to that spot on the webpage for more details!
 Demo Day Saturday, June 13 9am only
This is the first time I am saying what Demo is going to be. Let me show you how to make you very own Bobbin the Robin, The Row by Row Experience Mascot! So you can have yours ready for your Road Trip and Selfies!

It's in the Bag Project this Month Saturday, June 13 10:30am Right after Demo!

 It’s in the Bag Club
You will pay $45 for a 12 month enrollment in this club. We will meet one day a month for class. You will bring your machine and sew on the project during the Sew-In Class. You can come to one month, 4 months or all 12 months for this $45 enrollment fee. So you see if you come to all 12 you get a great deal! You will have to purchase the pattern each month along with supplies needed – such as fabric, stabilizer, hardware, zippers, etc.
These bags will vary in size and skill level.
I will show you the previous month what the next month’s project will be. Besides this first month, because I already have a class scheduled the club will always meet right after Demo Am – at 10:30 am to start and you may stay the day to work on the project. Some classes will not be 2 hours and some will take 4 or all day depending on the bag we will be making that month. Lunch is on your own.
Enrollment Fee is not adjusted. So if you join in April or if you join in August or if you join in October – it is still $45. You can take any of these It’s in the Bag Classes for this price until April 2016. Must purchase pattern

Beginner Paper Piecing - Christmas Tree Megan is making her's for this Red White & Blue Margaret made some of her's Valentine, Easter & Halloween, so it is a fun year round project that is endless fun!
Saturday, June 20 10am-4pm w/lunch Teacher: Megan Hashier

BeColourful Springtime Class 2 part class Saturday, May 23 10am-5pm w/lunch Saturday, June 27 9am-4pm w/lunch Teacher: Megan Hashier

Beginner Quilting 3 part class $75 Saturday, June 27 10am - 5pm w/lunch Sunday, July 5 10am - 4pm w/lunch Saturday, August 8 10am - 1pm

Kids Sewing Classes Will be put on the calendar this week! Check back for dates and times. 5 part class, $125
Strip Club You have a choice when to come! Two time slots for your convenience. June dates: Friday June 26 - 7pm Saturday June 27 - 9am $6 paid only in one dollar bills at the door (it is a strip club for goodness sake!) - this will get you in for the fun and refreshments. Drawings for goodies. You also receive the pattern upon The Quilt Reveal, just for coming. Discount given on the fabric pack of the month! Lead Stripper - Kristina Harper *Be sure to bring in your Strip Club quilts for Show n Tell - you receive an extra door prize ticket!
 Tropical Fish - Beginner Paper Piecing Friday, August 7 6pm - 10pm w/ Pizza Party & Wine Teacher: Megan Hashier
 We are very excited to have Jan Mathews - Certified July Niemeyer Instructor coming to teach classes at the shop. Desert Sky is one we think will be a great beginner intro - we are working up a class schedule and will post ASAP. What classes do you want to see, what Judy Niemeyer patterns have you wanted to do but need help with or what is your WISH LIST? Let us know and we'll get these scheduled for you!

Craft Yard Sale It's back, what everyone has been asking for! Saturday, August 22 10am - 2pm Want to rent a space? Give the shop a call
We would be honored to machine quilt your Quilt Tops for you! Innova Longarm Quilting System w/ Navigator System Quick Turnaround
WE DO BINDINGS! (hand tack or machine stitch in the ditch)
Get and use your punch card
T-Shirt Quilts Let us make it for you or let us teach you how to make it!

Upcoming Classes Sign Up Today! see webpage for full detail and updates: www.quilterscottagefabrics.com
Bolt of the Day!
The first bolt of the day that is laid on the cutting table will be given 25% off their cut and the bolt will be showcased all day and any customer who also buys some off the bolt will also be given 25% off that bolt! When its gone - its gone, could be gone with the first customer. Great for backings!!! Batiks not included - they are already discounted all day, everyday! Batiks $9.99 Everyday all the time!
Rewards! For every $300 dollars in sales you will be given a $30 gift card - Awesome! click here for details

BeColourful Workshop Days for 2015 June 14, July 19, Aug 16, Sept. 13 Sundays noon - 4pm $20 Teacher: Megan Hashier
****************************************************************************** MARK YOUR CALENDARS
Demo Day Saturday, June 13
It's in the Bag Club Saturday, June 13 10:30 am
Girls Night Out Friday, June 19 6pm - midnight $5 cover charge
Quilts of Valor Sew-In Day Saturday, June 20 10am - 3pm w/lunch All Volunteers Welcome!
Strip Club Friday, June 26 7pm Saturday, June 27 9am $6 cover charge
Row by Row Experience Starts June 21

We are proud to be a Gold Sponsor and Vendor! The 2015 Quilt Guild of Greater Houston Quilt Show Stafford Center Stafford, Texas 77477 July 17 10am-6pm July 18 9am -4pm

We are a proud vendor! Heart of Texas One Stop Shop Hop January 8 & 9, 2016 Chisholm Hall Waco Convention Center Waco, TX www.heartoftexashop.com
Sign up for Newsletter on Home Page of our Web Page Share with friends - spread the word! www.quilterscottagefabrics.com
Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/quilterscottagetx |
Click to visit Quilter's Cottage Fabrics! |