This Week at Quilter's Cottage December 2, 2015
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920 FM 359 Richmond, TX 77406 281-633-9331
Shop Hours: Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm OPEN Sundays noon - 4pm
This Week at the Shop! December 2, 2015
 Judy Niemeyer Workshop Days Sunday, December 6, 2015 $15 Teacher: Jan Matthews

BeColourful Workshop Days Sunday, December 13 noon - 4pm $20 Teacher: Megan Hollingshead
Click on Pics and it will take you directly to that spot on the webpage for more details
Upcoming Classes Sign Up Today! see webpage for full detail and updates: www.quilterscottagefabrics.com

BeColourful - Follow Me 2 part class Saturday, November 7 & December 5 10am - 5pm Teacher: Megan Hollingshead

Beginning Quilting - 3 part class Saturday, December 5 / 12 / January 16 Teacher: Cyn Wilde

Beginning Quilting - 3 part class Saturday, December 5 / 12 / January 16 Teacher: Cyn Wilde

BeColourful - Happiness 3 part class Saturday, January 16 / February 13 / March 19 Teacher: Megan Hollingshead

Interlocking Texas Saturday, January 16 10am - 4pm w/lunch Teacher: Margaret Reagan

Tuffet Class Sunday January 10 & 17 noon - 4 pm Teacher: Sylvi Sealy Note - must buy pattern from Quilter's Cottage & must buy hardware kit and legs from Sylvi.

Beginning Machine Quilting To be rescheduled due to illness in family 10am - 4pm Teacher: Becky Richards

We would be honored to machine quilt your Quilt Tops for you! Innova Longarm Quilting System w/ Navigator System Quick Turnaround
WE DO BINDINGS! (hand tack or machine stitch in the ditch)
Get and use your punch card
T-Shirt Quilts Let us make it for you or let us teach you how to make it!

Bolt of the Day!
The first bolt of the day that is laid on the cutting table will be given 25% off their cut and the bolt will be showcased all day and any customer who also buys some off the bolt will also be given 25% off that bolt! When its gone - its gone, could be gone with the first customer. Great for backings!!! Batiks not included - they are already discounted all day, everyday! Batiks $9.99 Everyday all the time!
 Watch for our new Deal of the Day
Rewards! For every $300 dollars in sales you will be given a $30 gift card - Awesome! click here for details
************************************************************************ MARK YOUR CALENDARS
It's in the Bag Club Saturday, December 26 10:30 am
Girls Night Out Friday, December 11 6pm - midnight MUST RSVP - limited spots 18 $5 cover charge
Strip Club Friday, December 18 7pm Saturday, December 19 9am $6 cover charge
Sundays - Sew-In Day noon - 4pm FREE Wednesdays - Sew-In Day 10am - 5pm FREE Come join us and bring your friends for some open sew time. Great time to work on those Strip Club quilts! You spoke and we listened - Open Sew days are FREE

We are so excited about participating in this special shop hop!
A TASTE OF TEXAS SHOP HOP February 4-6, 2016
Check out web page for details: www.atasteoftexasshophop.com
"LIKE" our Shop Hop Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/atasteoftexasshophop!

We are excited to announce we are participating in this fabulous Shop Hop again this year!
GREATER HOUSTON SHOP HOP March 30 - April 2, 2016
Check out web page for details: www.shophophouston.com
"LIKE" our Facebook page link to come soon!

We are going to be a Vendor!
Golden Triangle Quilt Guild Quilt Show
February 19 - 20, 2016 Beaumont Civic Center Complex Beaumont, Texas http://goldentrianglequiltguild.com/

We are going to be a Vendor!
Tri-County Quilt Guild Quilt Show
March 4-5, 2016 The Berry Center Cypress, Texas http://tcqgtx.blogspot.com/
Sign up for Newsletter on Home Page of our Web Page Share with friends - spread the word! www.quilterscottagefabrics.com
Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/quilterscottagetx |
Click to visit Quilter's Cottage Fabrics! |